
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Wednesday, November 21, 2018


In class, we had to do an animation or storybook around the legends of place names in Muriwhenua. I did mine around Ahipara, where I live, and made it an animation. I hope you like it.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Google Docs Ninja Challenge

In class lately, we were asked to do the Google Docs ninja challenge. It was easy up until the end and I started to ask for help. I learned that I am terrible at doing google docs related things and how to change headings.

Thursday, November 8, 2018


So last week we went on camp! It was so cool and exciting. If you have questions ask, please. Hope you like my slide

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Garden quote

In class this week we had to make garden quotes. I thought it was quite hard to do. (Mostly because I couldn't use someone else quote and call it mine)


So in class, I decided to create a DLO about Halloween. I wrote a few facts about it and I made a poster. I like Halloween especially because you can dress up and get lots of candy! It always seems to rain when I go trick or treating. What is your favorite holiday?

Wednesday, October 17, 2018


Last term we had to write a play. You might find it a bit confusing but I hope you like it.

The bad babysitter

Mrs Pattercat
Mr. Pattercat
Baby Patercat

Opening scene: Mrs. and Mr. Pattercat are by the door getting ready to leave the living room/scene. Babysitter and Baby Pattercat are sitting on chairs

Mrs. Pattercat: (handing Baby Pattercat to the Babysitter). Thank you for looking after my Pattercat, she needs to be in bed by 6:30pm. We will be back at 8ish.
Mr. Pattercat: (looking worried at Babysitter). Just so you know, my baby has been getting stolen lately, so be careful.
Babysitter: (smiling). Yes. If I don’t lose her I get paid double right?
Mr. Pattercat: (sighing). Yes, yes okay. I am rich anyway. (Turns to walk out the door). See you in 3 hours.
Mrs. Pattercat: (looking sadly at Baby Pattercat). Bye, my baby. Goodbye, I LOVE YOU! (Follows Mr Pattercat).

Mr. and Mrs. Pattercat leave the scene, babysitter puts down Baby Pattercat down on the seat and sits on the other and pulls out her/his phone and dials numbers onto the phone

Babysitter: Hey Paisley (pause). I'm babysitting that rich Pattercat kid (pause). Yes they are rich, I get $400 an hour and double that if she doesn't get stolen (pause). I know right so much (pause). Oh you have to go, okay bye.

Babysitter hangs up the phone and Baby Pattercat drifts off asleep

Babysitter: (sighing) Huff, I’m bored, maybe I should go to sleep (pause). Yeah I could put on an alarm so I can wake before Pattercat parents come home (pause). ah, I am a genius

Babysitter falls asleep on the chair and Robber dog sneaks in a go towards Baby Pattercat

Robber dog: (looking around) Yus they are asleep. Now I can get Baby Pattercat and take over the world.

Robber dog looks over a babysitter

Robber dog: (whispering) Ha, and because YOU are asleep everything is even easier than be-

Super cat come in the scene with super duper pooper banaenae gun

Super cat: (heroically) Stop you idiotic fool (points gun at Robber dog) Or I’ll shoot you with my SUPER DUPER POOPER BANAENAE GUN!
Super cat: Okay, but first crawl around the floor like a baby.
Robber dog: (looking at Super cat angrily) Nah. Never. Ever.
Super cat: I’ll shoot.
Robber dog: (scared) AAAAHHHHHHH!!! Fine I will, just don’t shoot me!!!

Robber dog on the ground crawling like a baby for 5 seconds

Super cat and Baby Pattercat: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Super cat: Wait! Your awake?!?
Baby Pattercat: (baby voice) Yes I am. I’m waiting for mummy and daddy to come home to tell how horrible the babysitter was.
Super cat: Oh (looks around). Well they are here now.

The door opens and Mrs. and Mr. Pattercat walks in

Mrs. Pattercat: (confused) WHAT HAPPENED HERE!?!?!?!
Super cat: Um… Bye now.

Super cat runs out with the babysitter and Robber dog runs out behind

Mr. Pattercat: (angrily) Do YOU know what happened?
Baby Pattercar: Um… I think Super Cat needs me.

Baby Pattercat runs out to Super Cat

Mr. Pattercat and Mrs. Pattercat: (yelling) WHAT THE HECK!!

Mr and Mrs Pattercat walk out cross.


Thursday, September 27, 2018

The 5 R's

Lately, in class, we have been looking at the 5 R's. I made a DLO google slide about each one. Hope you like it.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018


In class lately, we had to make a garden meme. It was very fun to do.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Book Report

In class, we had to make a seven-page book report for reading. I wrote mine about a book called El- Deafo. I hope you like the book I chose.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Speech. Men shouldn't be paid more than women.

Lately, our class has been writing speeches to persuade others. My speech topic was Why men shouldn't be paid more than women. Hope you agree with my topic. 

So one day a girl and a boy were asked to do chores and if they did all of them they would be paid. So they both did their chores and their father paid them, the girl $20 and the boy $40. Is that fair? Every day men are getting paid more than women and that was an example of what is happening everywhere and in some places, women don't even get paid at all.

Men and women have to work. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t get paid and in this world everybody needs money. The pay equity gap has been researched and debated for decades, with little real progress to show for it. But why are men paid more than women and why does no one do anything about it? 
Hundreds of years ago women were like slaves, washing, cleaning and looking after the children and thousands of years before that women were more like possessions for men to keep. I think that is terrible. I don’t know how our world evolved from that.  

A reason why women should be paid more is that most men and women do the same job, in the same department, for the same hours (Sometimes even longer) but get paid less, yes, less. It is very unfair for the women in this situation. Even women in higher departments than men still get paid less. Don’t you think women and men should get paid equally for where they are? 

Some women without partners have children they have to raise on their own and often don’t have help with paying for the children from their partners, so they most likely are on benefit or have income support. Some women are even on income support because they are low on money. I think it is because how little they get paid. If women had higher pay it would help reduce women’s reliance on income support and would help lower how much the government put into the benefit payment.
And last but not least we are all equal. We might look different, act different but we are all the same and there is nothing else to it. Women shouldn’t be paid differently to men because of our gender, it isn’t right. I believe women deserve the same pay as men.  

Everyone’s the same, the only difference we have is gender so why is the pay differential. It is unfair when it shouldn't be. So do you want to live in a world that is unfair or fair? So this is why men shouldn't be paid more than women. That is why everyone should be paid equally. 

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Narrative Storybook: Eating Mr Wolf

In term 2 we had to write a narrative storybook for 5 to 8-year-olds. I enjoyed writing this story because I got to be creative and funny - no one could stop my imagination! And when I shared it with 3 five-year-olds they were scared. (That was not my intention!!)


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

How we are killing our sealife.

In room 3, we have been learning about how plastic is destroying fish life and how to have zero waste. It is important to put your rubbish into the bin because if you don't it could cause the world to have a max problem of sickness and death. The hospitals would run out of rooms and the Earths human population would run low along with all creatures and so forth.