
Wednesday, October 17, 2018


Last term we had to write a play. You might find it a bit confusing but I hope you like it.

The bad babysitter

Mrs Pattercat
Mr. Pattercat
Baby Patercat

Opening scene: Mrs. and Mr. Pattercat are by the door getting ready to leave the living room/scene. Babysitter and Baby Pattercat are sitting on chairs

Mrs. Pattercat: (handing Baby Pattercat to the Babysitter). Thank you for looking after my Pattercat, she needs to be in bed by 6:30pm. We will be back at 8ish.
Mr. Pattercat: (looking worried at Babysitter). Just so you know, my baby has been getting stolen lately, so be careful.
Babysitter: (smiling). Yes. If I don’t lose her I get paid double right?
Mr. Pattercat: (sighing). Yes, yes okay. I am rich anyway. (Turns to walk out the door). See you in 3 hours.
Mrs. Pattercat: (looking sadly at Baby Pattercat). Bye, my baby. Goodbye, I LOVE YOU! (Follows Mr Pattercat).

Mr. and Mrs. Pattercat leave the scene, babysitter puts down Baby Pattercat down on the seat and sits on the other and pulls out her/his phone and dials numbers onto the phone

Babysitter: Hey Paisley (pause). I'm babysitting that rich Pattercat kid (pause). Yes they are rich, I get $400 an hour and double that if she doesn't get stolen (pause). I know right so much (pause). Oh you have to go, okay bye.

Babysitter hangs up the phone and Baby Pattercat drifts off asleep

Babysitter: (sighing) Huff, I’m bored, maybe I should go to sleep (pause). Yeah I could put on an alarm so I can wake before Pattercat parents come home (pause). ah, I am a genius

Babysitter falls asleep on the chair and Robber dog sneaks in a go towards Baby Pattercat

Robber dog: (looking around) Yus they are asleep. Now I can get Baby Pattercat and take over the world.

Robber dog looks over a babysitter

Robber dog: (whispering) Ha, and because YOU are asleep everything is even easier than be-

Super cat come in the scene with super duper pooper banaenae gun

Super cat: (heroically) Stop you idiotic fool (points gun at Robber dog) Or I’ll shoot you with my SUPER DUPER POOPER BANAENAE GUN!
Super cat: Okay, but first crawl around the floor like a baby.
Robber dog: (looking at Super cat angrily) Nah. Never. Ever.
Super cat: I’ll shoot.
Robber dog: (scared) AAAAHHHHHHH!!! Fine I will, just don’t shoot me!!!

Robber dog on the ground crawling like a baby for 5 seconds

Super cat and Baby Pattercat: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Super cat: Wait! Your awake?!?
Baby Pattercat: (baby voice) Yes I am. I’m waiting for mummy and daddy to come home to tell how horrible the babysitter was.
Super cat: Oh (looks around). Well they are here now.

The door opens and Mrs. and Mr. Pattercat walks in

Mrs. Pattercat: (confused) WHAT HAPPENED HERE!?!?!?!
Super cat: Um… Bye now.

Super cat runs out with the babysitter and Robber dog runs out behind

Mr. Pattercat: (angrily) Do YOU know what happened?
Baby Pattercar: Um… I think Super Cat needs me.

Baby Pattercat runs out to Super Cat

Mr. Pattercat and Mrs. Pattercat: (yelling) WHAT THE HECK!!

Mr and Mrs Pattercat walk out cross.


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